About Us

Half of all NCAA athletes struggle to find their identity after college. They have played their sport for most of their lives and for the past 4/5 years, they have lived on a set and rigorous schedule that included weight training, class, locker rooms, practice, study hall, long bus rides, games days, highs and lows of winning and losing, and last but not least, their teammates. Once that last play has been made and the last whistle has been blown, all of that is gone. At Alumni, we are bringing former college athletes back together to join a new team, a team that is the community they once knew, a group of people who share an identity-forming narrative - being a college athlete

Our mission is to foster a community of individuals who dare to dream big, understand that there is no ā€œiā€ in team, want to build it from the ground up, and then take the victory lap